Fives Pillard, Marseille, France, one of the world's leading manufacturers of industrial technology, buys the manufacturing and IPR rights for particle emission measuring devices developed by MIP Electronics Oy. MIP has a long history of manufacturing and developing optical measuring devices for flue gas particle emission measurements in the energy and process industries. With this acquisition, Fives strengthens its offer and its position as a leading player in the market of analyzers and instruments.
In the future, MIP Electronics Oy will focus on the import and sale of various measuring devices and measurement solutions, software and sensors. We are expanding our current range of services in terms of device calibrations, maintenance and training. In the future, we will also invest in the development of other service businesses.
MIP has a comprehensive network of foreign principals with whom we have long-term relationships. Our customer base is quite extensive and our product portfolio is modern and competitive.
MIP is Finland's leading supplier of various noise and acoustics measurement solutions, and also a major player in condition monitoring sensors and measuring devices. We also have strong and extensive expertise in training equipment use and measurement techniques as well as equipment calibration services.
The company has an ISO 9001 quality certificate since 2018.
"Particulate emission devices developed by Mip will have a good future in Fives Pillard's product portfolio. At the same time, we get to focus on domestic business development. This deal is a win-win for both parties," states CEO Jouni Lukkari.
More information:
Jouni Lukkari, CEO
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